Welcome to the Pre Order Pods App.

The Pre Order Pods (POP) App works in conjunction with the Pre Order Pods to provide a unique package of food ordering and service delivery.

Users have the benefit of ordering their food from anywhere, home, work or in-between, and collecting it a from a set or chosen location within the workplace.

Pre Order Pods store food at both hot and cold temperatures, so you can order hot or cold food from the Pre Order Pods App.

When orders are placed using the Pre Order Pods App, the kitchen is sent the order/s directly and updates the User on the progress of those orders. Notifications are used to update the User in realtime (as it happens), straight to their device.

When the User is notified that their order is ready for collection, a QR code is sent to the ‘Orders’ Screen within the Pre Order Pods App, This QR code is then used to open the relevant POD door, at the time slot given, for the User to collect their meal/s.

Meals can be personalised by the User – under ‘Meal Preferences’ in the ‘Accounts’ tab. The User can select the type of meals to show i..e Vegan or Low Calorie and also not show any meal with certain allergens i.e. Gluten or Nuts.

Below you can view the screens on the Pre Order Pods App with a brief description on how to use each screen : –

Welcome Screen

Shows the App is loading and identifies the current version number of the App installed.

Signup Screen

Where Users create their account with Apple ID or email & password and accept POP Terms and Conditions.

Login Screen

Registered Users can login with their Apple ID or email and password.

Reset Password

Users can reset their password here, if they forget what it is.

SiteCode Access

This gains access to the correct Site, so the User can order for the correct location.

Home Screen

Users can navigate, scroll, view and select meals from available mealtimes and recommended items.

More Details about the Home Screen

The home screen is set out in a scrolling column, with 3-5 sections : –

Section 1 – Kitchen – The main image showcases the kitchen brand that is servicing the app.

Section 2 – Mealtime – The mealtime offerings cover Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. (Not all sites offer meals for all mealtimes). This section is horizontally scrollable to view all options.

Section 3 – Breakfast Recommendations – This section is horizontally scrollable to view all options and shows the recommended meals for Breakfast – 3 are recommended by the kitchen and 2 are the top sellers. (This section is only visible if the site offers meals for Breakfast)

Section 4- Lunch Recommendations – This section is horizontally scrollable to view all options and shows the recommended meals for Lunch – 3 are recommended by the kitchen and 2 are the top sellers. (This section is only visible if the site offers meals for Lunch)

Section 5 – Dinner Recommendations – This section is horizontally scrollable to view all options and shows the recommended meals for Dinner – 3 are recommended by the kitchen and 2 are the top sellers. (This section is only visible if the site offers meals for Dinner)


Scroll, view and select a meal from the available mealtimes – Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner.

Selected Menu Item

View details of selected product including price, description and allergens. User can add product to Cart here.

Cart Screen

Shows the chosen item in the cart and a timer showing time left to book your POD slot.

Book Time Slot

User can book the time slot, location and pod number for this meal. A timer shows time left to complete booking.

Select Location

The ‘Change Location’ button allows the User to choose POD location from a list.

Cart with Slot Booked

When the Time Slot is booked for this meal, the payment button is available in the cart screen.

More details about the Mealtime Screen...

The mealtime screen provides the meal choices for each mealtime : –

Breakfast – If breakfast is available, the screen shows all meals available for breakfast. The User can also select specific meal preference and allergen free filter options in the ‘Meal Preferences’ options in the ‘Account’ screen. Those options will be filtered in the mealtime screen.

Lunch – If lunch is available, the screen shows all meals available for lunch. The User can also select specific meal preference and allergen free filter options in the ‘Meal Preferences’ options in the ‘Account’ screen. Those options will be filtered in the mealtime screen.

Dinner – If dinner is available, the screen shows all meals available for dinner. The User can also select specific meal preference and allergen free filter options in the ‘Meal Preferences’ options in the ‘Account’ screen. Those options will be filtered in the mealtime screen.

Payment Screen

User can add a new card or pay from an existing card here.

Pay via New Card

The ‘Add new card’ screen allows Users to enter a new card for payment.

Pay via Existing Card

Once a User adds a payment card, that card will show here ready to use.

Confirm Payment

User can select whether to complete or cancel the payment for the order here.

Payment Confirmation

When payment has been successful, User can choose to view the order or return to Home Screen.

Home Screen

Users can view and select recommended food items and mealtime menu.

Current Orders

Once a user has purchased a product – the order will show here. The order can be cancelled at any time while the Status is set at ‘New Order’.

Order Update 1

The first update to the order is ‘Order received by kitchen’. This will be received approx 1 hour before the booked time slot. The order can still be cancelled at his stage.

Order Update 2

The second update to the order is ‘Order is being prepared’. This update will be received when the kitchen start to prepare the order. The order can no longer be cancelled.

Order Update 3

The third update to the order is ‘Order ready for delivery’. This indicates the order is ready to be delivered to the POD at the order time slot.

Order Update 4

The fourth update to the order is ‘Order being sent to pod’. This is when the order has left the kitchen and is being delivered to the POD.

Order Update 5

The last update to the order is ‘Order ready for collection’. The User can now go to the POD and collect their meal.

QR Code

The QR code is visible in full screen when the ‘Order is ready for collection’ notification has been received. This is then used to access the booked POD via the QR scanner.

Account Screen

The Account screen provides links to the Users preferences and settings.

Account Details

This screen allows the User to view and edit their personal details. The First Name here is shown on the Home and Account screen. The User can also change their choice of POD location.

Meal Preferences

The User can select their meal options here which will filter the meals in each available mealtime – Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Order History

Users can view their order history and click any previous order to re-order the item again.

Settings Screen

The User can view the current App version, update to a new version (when available) and select which notifications they want to receive. Order Updates can not be turned off.

Contact Us

This screen shows our company details along with current Site help desk number should the user have an issue with the App.

ASK Screen

The Ask screen provides helpful information on how to use the POP App, DataProtection and Terms and Conditions.

Search screen

The product Search, filters all products by typing letters in the search bar. Only products that match the letters typed are shown.